Author: yaritzamar

A hand holding the world

Hurricane Maria Donations for American Citizens on Puerto Rico

Hurricane Maria Aftermath Donations for American Citizens in Puerto Rico (This post contains affiliate links. Read my disclosure.) Here you will be able to find some valuable information on various topics that would help you make some wise decisions in regards of donating to Puerto Rican American citizens after hurricane Maria devastated the whole island. Millions…

newborn clothing

Essential and Nonessential Clothing For Your First Child + Free Printable

Accepting an unexpected pregnancy and moving forward. I remember as a new mother I bought so many unessential items for my first child. As an experienced mother, I want to advise you on how to buy essential clothing so that you can invest your money wisely. Having a child will change your life from the…

Cluttered living room

Get Rid of Anxiety Conquer your Clutter and Feel Sanity

(This post contains affiliate links. Read my disclosure.) Do you feel overwhelmed or anxious when the house is cluttered? I like you felt overwhelmed and anxious by the different collections of things lying in an untidy mess around the house. First I will be reviewing some of the items that clutter the most around the house….