LWLO comply with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) where bloggers are required to have policies for readers. We will do everything legally by simply following guidelines and requirements for running this blog. Below you will be able to find the following:

  • Comment Policy,
  • Disclosure Policy,
  • Privacy Policy,
  • Copyright Policy,

These policies are effective from February 28th, 2017.

Comment Policy,

We love meeting new people in my space and commenting is a great way to meet and grow a community. At LWLO we work hard to keep an environment with compassion, connection, creativity, and calm. Please express yourself with respect and in a positive manner by respecting others opinions the same way you will like to be respected. Comments need to be related to the topic without any spam, self-promotion and profane information. If comments are inappropriate these would be deleted.

Disclosure Policy,

Living Well Laugh Often (LWLO) is a blog written and edited by me. Every blog accepts some type of compensation whether in form of cash, free products or other ways. LWLO accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

The compensation received will not influence the content, topics, or posts. This means that all advertisements are from a third-party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisement.

LWLO may be compensated to give opinions on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on LWLO are our property. The information provided at LWLO are opinions and experiences from the author or guest authors (coming soon). We do not claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe in, based on our experience, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.

LWLO does not contain any content that might present a conflict of interest. LWLO would like to disclosure the following existing relationships (more information coming soon as the following are approved).

Living Well Laugh Often is an Amazon Services LLC Program an affiliate advertising program, designed to provide means to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and other affiliate sites.

In the process of getting approved for Google AdSense. Google AdSense is a third party that may be placing and reading cookies on you the user’s browsers, or using web beacons to collect information, while ads being served here at LWLO.

There are so many third-party advertising affiliates, ad serving systems that I would not be able to list them all here but these will be updated as needed and required.

Privacy Policy,

LWLO will never share your personal information with third parties. Just like I dislike spam we promise to never send, recommend, or sell any to you.

At LWLO we do not keep any information about your visit. We only evaluate content using cookies. What is a cookie? Is what helps search engines remember your choices like translating a page in another language other than English, then you will not have to keep choosing the settings every time you return to a website.

Here at LWLO, we use advertisers’ cookies to provide ads where we can earn a percentage when you make a purchase through them. The cost will be the original price but we will be compensated from the company that you made a purchase and or pay per click.

You are welcome to turn off the use of cookies or choose which cookies you accept by going to your browser of choice and changing the privacy settings.


LWLO appreciates when you share anything. Feel welcome to share on any social media platform. Please remember that all images and text are the property of Living Well Laugh Often. All free items offered at LWLO are for your personal use only. If you find content that you want to use for example an image or perhaps two images, please do so only if a link is given to the original post. Do not alter watermarks, or edit images without first writing to me and obtaining permission. “I will be glad to provide a written permission”

These policies can change at any time without notice. Updated on August 24th, 2017.


For questions about this blog please contact me here.