How to Get Organized In Life

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Get organized in life on a generation where we have many responsibilities we must take care of daily. Yet it may seem that although you have the same 24 hours a day like everyone else you feel like you need more hours in any given day. I will walk you through a step by step organization process so that you can become more organized and focus on what is most important so that you have time for self-care and even some free time in your busy schedule.
First, I want you to download the worksheets in the link below so that you can complete the step by step organization process together by following along: If you’re ready to reach your goals and have a more fulfilling life, grab this free workbook right now. Just enter your first name and email address below and get the help you need to get started.

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"Getting Organized" Workbook!
Do you wish you had more time to achieve goals and even more time to enjoy life? If so, you are certainly not alone.
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“To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”
(Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV)
Get Organized daily
Now that you downloaded the “Get Organized” Workbook you will need to write: All the things you do a daily basis from morning to night. These may include the following:
- Phone calls
- Social media (Facebook, Instagram, You Tube etc)
- Exercise
- Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks
- Showering
- Brushing teeth
- Washing dishes
- Make your bed
- Study time
- Work time
- Wash clothes
- Fold clothes
- Put away clothes
- Pick up toys/put things back where they belong
- Cleaning sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, kitchen, bathroom surfaces, etc
- Go to _____________
- Any other things you do daily
Get Organized Weekly
Next, I want you to use the worksheet that you just downloaded and write everything that you do only once a week. These may include the following:
- Vacuuming
- Cleaning the kitchen
- Cleaning the microwave
- Cleaning the oven
- Cleaning the refrigerator
- Cleaning the bathtub
- Cleaning the toilet
- Cleaning the sink
- Washing all towels
- Washing the bedding and sheets
- Sorting the incoming mail
- Go to the supermarket
- Go and fill up your car with gasoline
- Wash the curtains
- Clean the living room
- Clean the dining room
- Any other things that you do on a weekly basis
Get Organized Monthly
After, you wrote both the Daily List, Weekly List write everything that you do monthly. These may include the following:
- Paying bills
- Go to the bank
- Buy soap, toothpaste, shampoo, etc
- Wipe light switches, door handles, and surroundings
- Go to a doctor/ therapist
- Any other things you do monthly
Get Organized Yearly
Do not worry although these exercises may seem overwhelming you only will need to do this once and is well worth your valuable time. Now make sure to get the “Get Organized” Workbook if you haven’t downloaded it yet and write all the things you do yearly. These may include the following:
- Doctor yearly physical visit
- Eye exam visit
- Ear exam visit
- Christmas Shopping
- Birthday Shopping
- Birthday Party/ Friends Baby Shower/ Other Parties or get-togethers
- New Years Shopping
- Black Friday Shopping
- Clean your closet, get rid of unwanted (Donate things that are in good condition)
- Deep cleaning under furniture
- Wash pillows
Get Your Wish List Organized
The last list you need to write is your wish list. These may include the following:
- Reading Time or Read ______Book
- Learn a sport
- Extra time for yourself
- Quiet time
- Fix your nails, hair more often etc
- Organize important documents in an easy to find manner
- Travel
- Have a saving fund
- Donate to ___________charity
- Volunteer in __________
- Buy____________
- Any other things you may wish!!!
Color Coding Organization
Now that you completed all the exercises in the “Get Organized” Workbook you will need to identify what is big and important not critical, and things that others can do who live with you. This can be done in many ways: use colored pencils, crayons, highlighters or if you have none draw some shapes next to each item.
Draw a small rectangle/ Red highlighter/ Crayon/ Colored Pencil (anyone you have)
Next to all the important and big things. These will be different from person to person. However, these are a must and need to be completed no matter what.
Draw a small circle/ Green highlighter/ Crayon/ Colored Pencil (anyone you have)
Next to all the things that could be done by someone else in your family or that lives with you.
Draw a small triangle/ Yellow highlighter/ Crayon/ Colored Pencil (anyone you have)
Next to all the things that are important, but you can be flexible in completing them and are not urgent
Draw a small square/ Blue highlighter/ Crayon/ Colored Pencil (anyone you have)
Next to all the tiny things that are not critical and can fit anywhere or can be done at any time.
Rules to Follow and Questions you must always ask yourself!
Rule#1 When you say yes to others (MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT SAYING NO TO YOURSELF)
- Can I do ________________(thing) without becoming over-committed?
Overcommitted= staying up late, sacrificing sleep, your to-do list just keeps getting longer and longer.
Rule#2 Always document and schedule things. Set up a timer, break big tasks into small tasks so that you feel organized. I usually like to start a task with a timer for 25 minutes and take 5 minutes to walk around, drink some water or anything else.
- Is ______________(thing) going to add to my happiness without becoming a procrastinator?
Procrastination= just putting things off for another time.
Rule#3 Silence your inner voice that says “(Something) cannot be done, or I am not good enough”
Disorganization=have a system
- Just like there is a place to place your towel after showering or bathing there needs to be a system for other things. A place for incoming mail, a place for the house keys, etc. After you cook and eat clean the dishes right away, do not leave anything without being put in the proper place right away after use.
The Importance of Reward Systems
Rewards are not only for children they are also for adults. Any change in life can be difficult and it takes time to get used to it or perhaps adjust. Just like the weather changes so do we as humans. For example: In summer you must wear summer clothes unless you want to be sweating and uncomfortable because of the inappropriate winter clothes. I do it myself it keeps me excited of accomplishing any goal. Goals must also have a deadline otherwise these will never be accomplished.
Accomplish___________________(thing) then I get to do ___________________(thing).
Summary of Getting Organized In Life
I hope that the “Getting Organized” Workbook was useful and that you completed all the exercises. In addition to getting a better-written view and plan with the color coding or shape system of what is the most important tasks currently that you must focus on. It is okay to complete not critical tasks at a later time and if you spend too much time in social media to adjust the attention given to those. Now that you have all your lists together and used the workbook exercises to get organized in life. Please share it with your friends, or in your favorite social media so that others can take advantage as well and now that you are making the best organization method in life.